
MS mRNA VACCINE for MS – Monday June 21, 2021

Research and the pharmaceutical industry have been looking for an MS treatment with wide market potential. The latest is a vaccine based on the success of Covid mRNA research. This recent article was sent my way and of course, I had to follow it up!...

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MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NOTES FROM: Eva Marsh - Physics has taught me that Magnetic Resonance Imaging is the graphical representation of the statistical treatment of hydrogen nuclei in excited spin states, and, should not be interpreted as real tissue. Also, events at the quantum (base...

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Me and My Stem Cells

Updated Jan 10, 2018 Why the stem cell controversy is a non-issue!© 2005 by Eva Marsh MEng BSc “Scientists have derived potentially therapeutic stem cells from adult, human testicles—a development that may eventually make new medical treatments possible while avoiding...

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Update April 4, 2018 Lower cholesterol levels have not led to a meaningful reduction in deaths from cardiovascular disease. Half of all heart attack victims have normal cholesterol levels, and independent research has shown that inflammation is the real cause of...

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MAYO update

Mayo Clinic Study Indicates Patients with Multiple Sclerosis May Want to Take Wait-and-See Approach to Medications — Rather than taking medication to ward off a future potential attack, patients...

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Tumefactive MS

Tumefactive Explained It is disturbing that using the latest advances in MRI technology, the change in cell size detected on an MRI is likened to tumour activity(tumefactive). Studies of electron microscope slides of real tissue, clearly demonstrate that cells enlarge...

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What’s Up with Viagra?

A recent article claims that the use of viagra (sildenafil) reduces the clinical signs of EAE in mice [experimental autoallergiuc encephalitis - a lab animal virus believed to be simiar to MS virus] by preventing axonal loss and promoting remyelination … AHA! Drug...

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ZAMBONI RESEARCH COMMENTARY© 10/09/24 edited January 10, 2018. The Zamboni Liberation Theory(2009) still holds the world enthralled with the promise of miracle relief for people suffering the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Daily, we hear exciting reports of...

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The Disabling Myths of MS©2005

When diagnosed in 1967, I was a junior lab technician in the Pharmacology research laboratory at the Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Curious about the science and history of MS, I began to study research and my review of history and research that...

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Body, Mind & Quantum Physics

How we define ‘problem’ determines  what we do with it.    Louise LeBrun  Since the beginning of my review of scientific and medical literature after diagnosis with multiple sclerosis in 1967, I have been fascinated by the physics of the nervous system, the disease...

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Share Your Experience

Recent research direction is based on perception that ms is inactive during pregnancy …

if you have experienced symptoms, or were diagnosed during or after pregnancy, please share your experience and

your feelings …  privacy assured …

If there is any aspect of your experience with the diagnosis of ms that you wish to share, it will help expand my viewpoint.

Thank you