… Let’s Do A Workshop
All About SHARMS™
Self Healing And Recovery & MS
with an introduction to
The Quantum Physics of Healing
ONLY Eva Marsh can describe recovery from the damage of multiple sclerosis using facts from research about
Self Healing that she found after diagnosis in 1967, and recent advances in mind body communication.
The Dance is a metaphor for Steps in Healing And Recovery that
take place on our physical, mental, and emotional planes of experience.
With her background in scientific research
Eva can describe the complex neuroscience of her experience
with simple graphic explanations.
As a WEL-Systems® Catalyst™
CODE Model CoachT & Quantum TLCT Facilitator
Eva is able to share her experience at the level of NLP Master Practitioner.
What if Eva had believed the predictions when diagnosed in 1967? (beliefs)
What if she had ignored her children? (values)
What if she had ‘accepted’ and not made an effort to recover? (attitudes)
We are at a turning point in health care philosophy.
We can learn to harness the healing energy of the spirit (psycho)
and mind (neuro)
to protect the body (immunology).
In a Workshop
Discover how damaged myelin can repair itself
and how recovery is a real possibility.
Become aware of the effect of our Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes on our wellness.
Discover how our energy can be directed to healing, rather than to endless battle
with an unidentified cause.
Learn the importance of
v i s u a l i z a t i o n
to establish learning in nerve cells,
and how imagery makes it easier
for future messages to travel along these paths.
Learn the vital moves that
SPEED healing and re-connect pathways.
Experience the excitement of resuming control over decisions
to recover wellness.
We CAN live with chronic illness AND be well.
We can SHAPE our world rather than
BE SHAPED by what happens in our world.
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